The Stories of Leslie Schmidt

My stories are about little girls and their loves (mostly). If you're looking for torture, sadomasochism, or anyone hurting little girls, you've come to the wrong place.

Story codes: Mg, Mgg, mg, Fg.


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A fellow is watching his girlfriend’s six year old when she calls him into her room. So, who’s molesting whom?

Angel Lips:

One of the ‘Angel’ series. Jenny learns that her mouth is for more than eating lunch.

Angel's Toy:

Jenny discovers a new toy to play with.

Baby Oil:

There’s lots of fun stuff to be found on the changing table!

Bath Time:

Doesn't everyone have pictures or videos of their little ones in the bath? Part 1 of 2.

Part 2


A lucky fellow is able to keep warm over a long Siberian winter with the help of a doctor friend and her two daughters. Part 1 of 5.

Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

Bed Warmer:

A robber baron’s manservant leaves his master a nice surprise in his bedchamber.

Billy's Story:

A young man and his best friend are discovered enjoying some videos by his little sister. Then they convince her to make a solo movie of her own.

Prequel to 'Doyle's Story'


One of the ‘Angel’ series. Camping in a tent on a snowy night can really be kind of fun.

Client too Young:

One of the “Child Sex Therapist” stories. Our friend takes on a client that he really shouldn’t. Then, sometime later, he looses his professionalism when he meets her at the mall. Part 1 of 4.

Part 2 Part 3 Part 4


The Brothers Grimm never had it so good!

Cute Pussy:

A fellow discovers that his friend likes to share a lot more than a few brews.

Daddy-Daughter Nightclub:

A special place for daddy-daughter dates.


A little girl’s diary about her first boyfriend.

Disney Nights:

A trip to Disney World with the ‘Angel’.

Doyle's Story:

Doyle is asked to watch Billy’s little sister while Billy is at football practice. They watch some videos too.

Sequel to ‘Billy’s Story’. In order to fully enjoy this story, you should read 'Billy's Story' first.

First Kill:

Mystical creatures of the forest can be a real danger to unsuspecting woodsmen. (Not my usual lighthearted fare).

The Girl from DR:

Helping out an undocumented immigrant yields an unexpected reward.

Lethal Lolita:

There’s a lot more to this little girl than some guys expect—and they end up regretting it, for a very short time. Part 1 of 3.

Part 2 Part 3

Lethal Lolita Revisited:

Another encounter with Megan Massy—this time with a happy ending.

Los Angeles Thanksgiving:

Sequel to ‘Wisconsin Summer’ In order to fully enjoy this story, you should read 'Wisconsin Summer' first.

Loving Sarah:

Uncle Ted has a special relationship with his niece.

Morning Lesson:

The first of the “Child Sex Therapist” stories. A regular morning for our friend with the best job in the world. (This is an update of 'Afternoon Lesson' with some consistancy errors corrected.)

My Angel:

The first in the ‘Angel’ series.

My Angel Movie:

Angel and her dad make a movie with the help of a friend.

My Brother's Child:

A fellow discovers that he and his brother have a lot in common.

My Sweetheart:

Another of the ‘Angel’ series.

Night Storms:

What could improve on a life spent bumming around the Caribbean on a sailboat? Part 1 of 3.

Part 2 Part 3

On the Interactions Between Teens and Tweens:

An, ahhh, scholarly article (?).

Onboard the Daisy:

Set in 1773 and 1774, these two letters between two young gentlemen tells the story of why one is being sent to India by his father and how his friend helps in a difficult situation. I was inspired by the first truely erotic English novel, "Fanny Hill", published in 1749 by John Cleland. The idea of writing in the 18th Century style was a challenge I couldn't pass up.
(This is my personal favorite of all my stories)

Pedophile's Dream-Prolog:

Prolog to an entire series. The title says it all. Nine parts.

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Epilogue

Pick Pocket:

Beware of pick pockets on the Rome underground.

Princess Hands:

Our 'Angel' learns something new.


Primitive cultures have some different ceremonies.

Roller Coaster Ride:

A co-worker asks a buddy to watch his ten year old for a few days. Part 1 of 3.

Part 2 Part 3

Seven Year Old Nympho:

Not too hard to figure out. This was my first story. Part 1 of 2.

Part 2


Don't you love to cuddle like spoons? In two episodes, set years apart. Part 1 of 2

Part 2:

Sri Lanken Lover:

An American businessman working in Colombo rescues a street urchin. Part 1 of 2.

Part 2

Stories of the Child Bride One:

In the future, marriage customs may be different.

Stories of the Child Bride Two:

In the past, marriage customs were different.

Subic Bay Memories:

The Navy--It's not just a job, it's an adventure!

Summer Musings:

An 'Angel' story. Jenny has grown up quite a bit--but not too much.

Tales for Rm 102:

What you'll see with hidden cameras.

Teaching Sadie to Jerk Off:

A sheltered child needs to learn some things about herself.

The Dream:

He thought it was just a great dream, until he woke up!

The Making of Night Storms:

They decided to make 'Night Storms' into a movie. Part 1 of 7.

Personally, I think this is my hottest story.

Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7

The Mask:

There's sometimes magic in those Marde Gras masks.

The Model:

A catalog photographer has a lot of fun when one of his clients has to stay over for the night.

The Orphanage:

Back in medieval times some monasteries and convents became quite independent.


Mommy leaves her little girl with her cousin.

Uncle Brian:

A girl helps out with her Daddy's business plans.

While Her Mom was Out:

A couple of truck drivers share.

White Stuff:

Fun on a hunting lease. One of my earliest stories.

Wisconsin Summer:

A teenager isn't too happy with the plans to spend the summer away from the coast in the heartland--until he meets his little cousin.

Prequel to 'Los Angeles Thanksgiving'

Baykit Part 3

By Leslie Schmidt

Synopsis: After a cross-country ski trip to one of the most beautiful places on Earth, Leslie continues to be used as a sexual training aid for Natasha and Vika as their mother gives them lessons. The prospect of private lessons with Vika is really intriguing.

Follow the link in the story to Goggle Maps. The road (which may or may not be displayed) crosses the river at the west end of the meadow, the waterfall is partially obscured by a cloud.

Story Code: M/F/f(g)

The little Toyota pickup showed its excellent 4 wheel drive abilities on the way to Magda's. The main roads were already rutted by trucks but, when I left the road for the last few hundred meters of the drive, the little truck ate its way through the snow with no problem. As we walked up to the house the world flashed white when an opening in the clouds moved overhead. I blinked my eyes at the brilliance as billions of little prisms reflected the sun back up into the sky. While we ate breakfast the sky cleared completely and it seemed the dacha was lit by hundreds of hot white flood lamps beaming in through the windows.

"Do you have skis?" Magda asked.

"No, I'm afraid not."

"No matter, I borrow a set for you, we go skiing today to waterfall I know."

We left in the Land Rover, back to town. Magda handed me the keys as we left the house. At first it was very cold, digital thermometer on the dash said that it was -15C outside. We stopped at one of the shabby wooden buildings in the hamlet, the girls stayed warm in the back seat, as we went inside.

We were met by the same woman I had seen Magda talking to at the office a couple of weeks earlier. Magda translated from Russian that her husband had died two years earlier and she would be glad to loan me his old skis. The boots fit, mostly, but the bindings were stiff and I found an oil can on a workbench in the back room and loosened them up.

"I've never been cross-country skiing," I said when we were back in the car, now moving onto the road that went north-east out of town.

"You alpine ski?"

"Yes, a few times." I replied.

"You learn, not difficult."

This road was not crowded, only one or two cars had been along before us, as it made its way through the sparse forest of snow covered trees. We took the right fork toward the village of Surinda and continued through the small rolling hills and forest for about 20 kilometers when the road suddenly started down a comparatively steep hill. I drove carefully, conscious that driving into the ditch could truly strand us. At the bottom there was a bridge crossing a river.

"Park on the other side of bridge, road flat there, good place to park."

We unloaded the skis and clipped them on. Magda gave me a few pointers and we went back across the bridge. The two girls just turned to the left and went down the 20 meter slope at the end of the bridge, (I was amazed that a blind girl could ski but she just followed the instructions called out by her little sister). Magda followed them, they all stopped at the bottom to watch me.

At first, I thought I'd be OK, but then, as I tried to make a turn to slow my progress, my heals came up and I fell over forward, face into the snow between my skis. Vika laughed and Magda asked if I was alright as I picked myself and my dignity up out of the snow, brushing the dry white powder off.

Magda called something to the girls as they set off ahead of us across level ground and Vika called back with a 'I KNOW Mom!" tone in her voice.

"I'd never thought a blind person could ski," I said as we started out.

"Natasha loves it, she follows her sister very closely, staying in her tracks. It works better if there is only one person for her to follow, that's why I stay behind."

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"There is stream, three kilometer, that joins river. Waterfall from 100 meter off cliff."

We started off across a meadow that widened between the river and the hill, then, in the distance, the hill came back in to narrow the clearing. We moved out across the sea of snow, falling into the tracks of the girls ahead.

After a half hour of skiing, I could see that the rise to the right was getting much closer, the flat land inside an elbow of the river was getting narrower. We were both beginning to breathe harder, our breath in white puffs, and, despite the Siberian winter, I began to feel comfortably warm inside my parka.

The scenery was spectacular; the trees were all coated with a thick layer of snow, like flocked Christmas trees, the meadow a flat sea of white sparkles against one of the clearest blue skies I had ever seen. Twenty meters to our left, the water of the partially frozen river picked up the brilliant blue from the sky. There was no wind and sounds carried over the snow but, except for the giggles and laughs of the girls 100 meters ahead of us, it was dead silent except for the swooshing of our clothes as we worked arms and legs and the crunch of the snow under the skis.

Another kilometer on, I could see a white cloud of snow billowing out from behind a hill. As we approached the land narrowed sharply, the girls had stopped where the cliff and the water almost joined. Magda had pulled ahead of me, she being more skilled at cross country skiing. The girls were dressed as fit their personalities-Natasha was wearing black pants and a green parka, Magda had on blue ski pants and a red parka, but Vika was all hot pink in a one piece 'bunny suit.' I caught up with them where they were waiting.

"We must go one at a time and be careful not to fall in river," Magda said. "I go first, then Natasha."

She moved into a narrow strip, now overgrown with young trees, moving more like a snow-shoer than skier. She had tied a rope around Natasha's waist and had the other end wrapped around her hand. Vika followed, then me.

It was slow going among the vegetation, more than once a thick gob of snow fell off a branch and coated one of us, much to the amusement of Vika who, I was coming to realize, was one of the most happy-go-lucky persons I had ever met. We actually had to make our way through a narrow place between two rocks, then there was a two or three meter drop onto level ground, and I was stunned by what I saw.

Since entering the woods, I had been hearing a hissing, and as we moved on it became louder. Also, it was as if clouds had come out and there were occasional wafts of snow. The coating on the trees and bushes was getting thinker. When we came out of the woods we were at the base of a 100 meter cliff to our right From above a cascade* of water was tumbling, only to be frozen to snow and go drifting off across in front of us. In front of us was a 10 meter wall of snow, a huge snow drift that extended out over the river. The sun caught in the fall and was reflected back by millions of tiny prisms, making a riot of different colors as they tumbled in the air. The hiss was from the snow hitting the ground, building up the drift.

*(62 05'59.5"N 097 10'18.64"E)

"If it stay cold enough to freeze the falling water but not stream, the drift will reach top of cliff in a few days," Magda said. "One year the stream thaw before drift and water flow down over snow, making giant ice hill all way to top. Created ice dam on river, did not break until June, much flooding, destroyed bridge."

"Thank you for bringing me here," I said as I dug through my parka to a pocket in my shirt for a camera. I got some pictures of the fall and the snow drift but I'm afraid that they don't do the sight justice-it has to be taken as a whole to be appreciated. We also took some group pictures of us all. I was saddened when I realized how much of this place was unreachable for Natasha.

An hour later we were back at the car drinking coffee from a thermos and snacking on some Russian nut cakes-sweet rolls rolled in a mixture of chopped nuts, honey and powder sugar. Magda drove back and we reached her house just after lunch time. I talked them into letting me cook and, after some deep kitchen reconnaissance, came up with grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup-a uniquely American lunch after a morning in the snow.

After lunch, while I watched a football (soccer) game from Pakistan and Magda read medical journals the girls stripped down and disappeared into the sauna. About 20 minutes later I heard them yelling and laughing outside. I had to grab my camera-the pictures of the two preteens having a snowball battle, wearing nothing but their boots, are precious. The sun was still as bright as ever and the temperature had risen to -5C. Natasha, of course, was lucky if she hit her little sister with the handfuls of snow she threw in great clouds, Vika would dodge in close and smash a handful of snow into her sister's back or face. Finally, Tasha made a lucky grab and got a hold of the nine year old and the two went down wrestling in the snow. When they finally decided to give it up and seek the heat of the sauna again, they were both bright pink from the chill of rolling naked in the snow.

I was standing in the kitchen, looking out a back window and taking pictures when the girls went back into the house and I heard them, first in the mud room, then the door to the sauna banged shut. There was a hand on my shoulder.

"They are beautiful girls, no?"

"Wonderful," I said, turning to Magda.

A cloud came over her face. "I must leave Russia, take Natasha somewhere so she can," she paused, "be happy, useful job, not beggar." She thought for a moment, then went on. "Under Communist, she live in institution, do small jobs, making clothes, tents, for Army. Now, with Capitalism, there is nothing. Many blind live in charity home, do nothing, very poor."

We were silent for a moment, then a smile crossed her face. She pulled her sweater off over her head. She wasn't wearing a bra and her tits bounced prettily. "We go for swim."

We left a pile of clothes in the kitchen, then I followed her down the hall to the sauna but she didn't go in. Instead, with a giggle, she ran out the door and into the snow. I chased her, high stepping through the ankle deep cold and we ran out onto the dock were she had stopped, holding her hand out to me. We jumped together into the water.

The shock of the freezing water was painful, it hurt to draw in a breath when my head broke water and I stood up in the chest deep chill. Magda looked at me and laughed again, then fell backwards and pushed off with her feet, doing a back stroke. I followed her with a crawl and, when I caught her, pulled her to me, standing again. We kissed deeply but the cold was so pervasive that I couldn't feel her warmth, even though our bodies were pressed together. The cold had made her nipples contract to dark, puckered points, my guess is that my dick had probably disappeared. She wrapped her legs around mine, holding to me.

"It's cold, not having sauna first," she said through a shivering voice.


I started carrying her back toward the dock, she broke away and swam the last few meters. Then we climbed out and went quickly back to the house.

The girls made room for us but it was obvious, from the streaks of sweat down their bodies, that they were ready to get out.

"You went in the river?" Vida asked.

"Yes, it was very cold," Magda said.

There passed a discussion in Russian that I couldn't understand but, from the scolding tones I assume that the girls were giving their mother a hard time. They got up to leave and, as they were in the door, a couple of light hearted comments passed, then they were gone.

I looked around at the wood lined room, then the heater. "How do you keep this place hot?" I asked.

"There is large gas tank on side of house, keep boiler. Steam come here first, then to rest of house."

"It must cost you a fortune," I said.

"Lukoil provide house, furniture, and gas, even car. Doctor expensive in Siberia."

"And I get a one bedroom apartment."

"Maybe computer technician not as expensive as Doctor." She smiled in a way that took away any idea of an implied offence.

"No, I guess not," I admitted.

"How long you stay in Baykit?" she asked.

"I have to stay a year, after that, we'll see how much I like the job. The problem with my work is that I have to go where the oil's at. If it were safer, I'd be interested in Africa, after my time here I can always go to Alaska-but that part of Alaska sucks." We were silent for a minute as the sweat started to trickle down my back and down between Magda's tits. "How long have you been here?"

"Three year." Then, "Baykit good for Tasha, she learn much in school past three year than all rest together. Now...don't know. Next year she go to High School in Tura. Don't know if good for her. I'm looking for job in Europe or America, maybe Australia."

This came as no surprise to me; it was obvious that Magda was looking for better schools for her kids. I was pretty sure that I was just another prospect-married to an American they could go there where there are good programs for children like Natasha. One thing I couldn't figure though was where the sex fit in...maybe a planned blackmail? I'd have to think on that a bit more but, actually, on first thought, if she used me in that way, got to America then let me go my way....I could deal with that.

"Is getting hot, let's shower," she said, standing.

In the shower we soaped each other up, I paid special attention to her tits and she paid special attention to my cock. Neither of us got off though and after we had dried off, Magda dropped to her knees and started sucking my cock. Needless to say, I didn't object to this a bit and I was awfully hard awfully quick, just beginning to feel the jez rise. Then she stopped and stood up.

"Come to house," she said, holding my dick. "We show girls."

She led me by my cock out of the bathroom and through the kitchen. The girls, still naked, were waiting and the three of them pushed me down into an arm chair. Natasha started running her hands up and down my thighs and feeling my balls while her mother knelt between my knees. Then she started sucking me again, giving me a classic blowjob, bobbing her head while jerking off my cock with her hand.

Magda took Natasha's hand and directed it to my dick, showing her how to stroke while she continued to suck. Meanwhile, Vika was kneeling on the right side of me, next to her mother, her eyes as big as platters and her mouth agape-obviously this all came a quite a shock to the nine year old.

After a few moments, Magda lifted up her head and said something to Natasha. They exchanged a couple of sentences in Russian. Natasha said something, shaking her head, that was an obvious 'no', then Magda looked at me.

"Tasha want to suck you but do not ejaculate, she don't want that."

All I could do was grunt out something that sounded like an affirmative, then the eleven year old rose up and took me in her mouth. The angle was awkward, being from the side, her having to bend over my thigh and reach a long way, but still, having your cock sucked by a preteen eleven year old...who could complain? I straightened out my left leg to make it easier for her to reach.

While Tasha stroked and sucked my schlong, Magda and Vika seemed to have started up a conversation. Magda seemed to be explaining things to her younger daughter, pointing and talking, as the jez really began to put some pressure on me.

I had started to hump into Natasha's face, had actually sort of forgotten the instructions not to cum in her mouth, when Magda noticed the obvious signs of my impending explosion. She said something to Tasha who looked at her sideways, then let me go. Immediately, Magda took over, pushing my cock deep into the back of her throat while looking up at me, straight in the eye.

She pulled back and made two short strokes in her mouth and I totally lost it. As I filled her mouth with my cum, she kept sucking, running her tongue back and forth across the bottom of my dickhead inside her closed mouth. A spurt of my white goo escaped out the corner of her mouth and ran down her chin, Vika giggled at this.

Then, when I was quite spent, she let my dick drop, a long string of goo extending from her lower lip to my cock, and looked up at me with her cum filled mouth open. She turned to Vika and showed her, then spit some out onto her hand and held it up to her. Vika sniffed at the pool of jez in her mother's hand then dabbed her finger in it and tasted it. There was a laughing exchange between them, then Madga said something to Natasha. With two fingers, she took a big dollop of my cum out of her palm, then transferred it to Natasha's mouth who sucked the slime off her mom's fingers.

"Girl's want to taste semen," Magda said just before she licked my jez back out of her palm and took a big swallow.

We all stayed naked as there was a group effort to make dinner, then we sat around the TV and watched FC Tom' Tomsk get humiliated by Zenit Saint Peterburg 8-2. Of course, for the girls, Tomsk was the home team (at least it's in Siberia) but Magda didn't seem to care a whole lot. Vika kept up a running commentary for her sister who had a really good understanding of the game. I began to see that Vika was, in many ways, Natasha's eyes, they seemed to communicate so well, it was uncanny. I recalled the littler one directing her sister when they were skiing, then the snowball fight where Vika would call out, telling Natasha where she was.

A little later the girls were sent off to shower and get ready for bed, I took that as my cue to leave and got dressed. Magda, still naked, followed me out onto the deck that stretched across the front of the house and kissed me good night.

"Come to my office tomorrow when you have lunch," she said. The next day dawned grey and threatened snow, the temperature also fell to a more seasonal -20 C.

When I arrived the next day there was a patient in the waiting room and I could hear Magda talking with someone in her office. I sat down and started looking through some Russian fashion magazine. After a few minutes Magda came out with a young woman who was carrying a baby. They made girl talk for a minute, then the woman and baby left.

Magda looked at me and the other fellow. She said something to him in Russian (he had his arm in a sling) and he got up and went into the hallway. Then she looked at me.

"Mr. Schmidt, you may wait in room two."

I went into the same room she had always seen me in before and closed the door. I could hear them talking next door. The door opened and Magda looked in.

"You may undress for you're exam. I'll be in shortly."

Her expression was coolly professional-not a hint of a smile but a little twinkle in her eye. The door closed and I complied, I was soon sitting on the examination table as naked as the day I was born.

It was only a couple of minutes before Magda came in. Without saying a word she dropped her lab coat, stepped out of her shoes, undid her blouse and dropped it on the floor, slipped her bra off her shoulders, then let it fall to the floor and, finally, pull her slacks and panties off in one motion, leaving her wearing only a pair of tan knee-highs. She came across to me and we kissed while she reached down with both hands and grasped my cock. After a few moments of tongue interplay, she bent over and started to suck me as I leaned back against the examining table. Then she dropped to her knees and started a truly wonderful blow job. She somehow managed to push my entire cock down her throat, burying her nose in my dick hair, then pulled back and sucked my balls while stroking me with her fists.

I was really building toward blowing my wad in her mouth so I lifted her chin and told her to lean against the table. She bent over the green nogahide covering, putting her elbows on the upholstery, spread her feet apart and flared her ass. I easily slid into her, doggy style, holding her hips as I pistoned and she pushed back against me. Soon she was making little 'ug' noised to my thrusts as I watched my cock slide in and out of her slash just below her purple-brown ass hole.

"Put in rectum," she said between gasps.

Although I'm usually not into anal, for some reason, this time, the idea was an incredible turn on and I pulled out, then changed my aim. I pushed at her little poop hole but only made marginal progress as we both pushed. Magda was flopped down on the table, grunting, and she reached off the end, then pulled a drawer open and felt around in it.

"Here," she said as she held a red and white tube with Russian writing on it back for me. There was some sort of white cream that I squirted on my dick, then some on her ass hole. She giggled that it was cold. I positioned my cock and gave a shove.


My cock slammed into her, the entire length sliding in. Out of pain, she clamped down on my cock. Squeezing it painfully. I pulled back, then pushed in again to another of her yelps, but, she still pushed back against me. We ass fucked unmercifully, Magda grunting each time I buried my cock in her butt. She had one hand underneath her and was finger fucking herself at the same time I held her shoulders and slammed her. She let out a loud "Awwoo" when I started pumping my sperm into her colon, bashing my hips into her ass cheeks. Her anus quivered with her own anal orgasm, squeezing my cock even tighter and making my own shooting exquisite to the point of painful.

She now lay flat on her stomach and chest, panting and covered with sweat as I pulled my blood, shit, and cum soaked cock out of her ass. A trail of sperm ran out of her glory hole-her ass was still stretched by my assault.

"Do you like sex in anus?" she said, not moving from her position, as I washed her shit and blood off my cock.

"It's not normally something I'm into," I said.

"My husband did that to me, he was very rough, no lubrication."

"Did I hurt you?" I asked.

"Little at first but, was OK, this once."

I walked up behind her and leaned down against her, my limp cock laying along her ass crack. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her cheek. "I wasn't too rough, was I?"

She lifted up some and looked back at me as best she could. "No, just right amount for sodomy," she said with a smile.

We stood up and she turned around, hugged and kissed me. "Maybe we not do that so often but, I wanted to try."

We went across to the canteen and ate, then I went back to work with another invitation to dinner. That afternoon I was told that I would have to drive to the city of Tura, about 400 km Northeast, to deal with some work permit issues. Tura is the administrative center of Evika and is an older city. I had heard that it was pretty, with some old churches and a much less utilitarian style than Baykit (there's even a couple of museums). I was to leave in the morning.

After work, when I pulled up at the dacha, I was surprised that Magda's Land Rover wasn't there. But the lights were on and Natasha came to the door and opened it, waving and trying to face me from the sound of my truck.

"Hello!" I called when I got out.

"Hi," she said.

I climbed the five steps to the deck. "Where's your mother?"

"She had to take Vika back to school, her class is having a meeting with the parents. She said she'd be back by 1900 and that she'd bring dinner."

When we were inside Natasha reached out and managed to grab my arm. I stood still as she moved around in front of me, then moved her hands up my arms and across my shoulders, then to my face. She pulled gently, leading me down to a kiss, guiding my lips to hers.

As soon as our tongues met she wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned against me. My cock was immediately beginning to swell and I wondered if she knew what it was pushing against her belly.

"Come up into the loft," she said, dropping her arms. She turned around and went directly to the ladder, apparently she was very well oriented. I followed her up the ladder, by the time I gained the top she had walked to the left, to a bed close to the railing.

The loft was almost half the size of the downstairs. It was one large open space, the ceiling was the peak of the house, a good 4 meters above. Two fans turned slowly up there in the warm air. Apparently, everyone shared the space as a bedroom. Near the sloping wall to my right was a double bed with two small tables on each side, one with a reading lamp. On the opposite wall were two single beds, it was the near one, close to the railing and windows, that Natasha had gone to. There were a couple of miss-matched chests of drawers and a large wardrobe against the back wall.

Natasha was standing next to her bed and was already pulling her shirt off over her head. She was wearing a white tee-shirt underneath. She bent down and untied her shoes, then pulled them off, one at a time. Next she took off her socks. As she undid her jeans and belt, I started unlacing my boots, then worked them off my feet. I pulled my shirt and undershirt off over my head just as she straightened back up, now in only her panties and the tee-shirt. I started undoing my belt as she pulled the tee-shirt off, then as I worked my pants down and freed my cock, she pulled her panties off.

"Mother said I'm ready for you, it won't hurt this time."

I didn't say anything, I just walked up to her and kissed her. She grasped my cock with both hands and started moving them along it, then sank down on the bed. She lay back and swung her feet up, stretching out, raising her hands over her head.

Any swelling or bruising of her pussy was gone, leaving a lovely clean set of pink lips. He nipples stuck up, little cones above her chest. Almost without thinking I leaned down and started sucking on the left one. She writhed under me.

I moved to the other tit and she wrapped her arms around my head, holding her immature nipple against my mouth. I was kneeling next to the bed, she still had a hold of my cock with her right hand, her left on the back of my head.

"Ohhh...." She groaned. I brought my hand up between her legs and started to move my hand along her hairless, soft, clam. Quite naturally she spread her legs apart, opening the moist crevice, and I pressed my finger along her clit, then dug deeper and was pleasantly surprised when almost the entire length of my finger slid inside the preteen pussy.

I continued to finger fuck her for a little while, sometimes kissing her mouth, sometimes sucking her nipples, and after a couple of minutes she humped against my hand and groaned, then relaxed back down.

Now I turned her so she was across the bed, her feet on the floor. I leaned over her, putting my weight on her small warm body, our chests and stomachs together, her sex pressing into me just below my navel. My cock was pushing hard against the side of the mattress. We kissed like this for a while, her arms wrapped around me, her hands moving up and down my sides. I had bundled her small frame in my arms, holding her close-she felt so small and fragile against me.

Then I lay her back and slid down. She took in a deep breath when I sucked on one of her nipples, then giggled and pushed at me when I tongued her belly button, but she took a ragged breath and exhaled an 'aawwww' when I pushed my tongue along her hairless slit. I circled her clit a couple of times as she humped her prominent pussy mound up into my face, pushing up with her feet on the floor. Then, putting my hands on the back of her knees, I lifted her legs up and out, spreading them, opening her, and I firmly pushed my tongue into her vagina, pushing it in as far as I could.

The amazing flexibility of young girls-her thighs were spread out impossibly wide-maybe beyond 90 degrees. I fucked her with my tongue for only a little while, maybe less than a minute, before she came again, groaning loudly as her pussy became slippery with her preteen juices and my spit. She was ready.

I lifted up and, still holding her knees high up and out to the sides, moved my hips up and down to guide my cock to her wide open lips. I carefully placed it against the opening and then, carefully adjusting the angle by raising or lowering myself on my knees, gently pushed. My cock slid easily inside the eleven year olds snatch, the head and two thirds of my eight inch cock disappearing inside her before I reached the end. The softness and warmth, in addition to the firm tightness, of her was incredible.

Natasha just blew out a long breath. "Ohhhh, that's....ohhh...." Obviously, this second time was not hurting her at all.

I started moving in and out of her, the sight was awesome as my cock slid back and forth in her clean, hairless, preteen pussy. Her inner folds were shiny pink, her clit was a slightly darker shade as it was worked back and forth by the top of my cock. She had her head thrown back, turning it side to side, her hands grasping at the sheets. Then she reached up and, finding my shoulders, dug her fingernails into them. She was writhing with every push, flaring her hips to meet me, pulling her knees higher. The only places we were touching was my hands on the back of her knees, her hands digging into my shoulders, and my cock sliding in and out of her pussy.

We continued like this for a couple of minutes, then she pulled on my shoulders, trying to pull me down on top of her. Instead, I released her knees and pulled her up against me. Now just her ass was on the edge of the bed as we clung to each other and kissed. I lifted up, holding her light frame, my hands cupping her small ass, and turned around, sitting down on the bed.

Now we were both seated, facing each other, her legs wrapped around my hips, as we cooperated to raise and lower her on my cock. I looked up and saw the Land Rover coming down the driveway.

It had become almost full dark outside and the lights were on in the house so I realized that, if they looked, Magda and Vika could see us. I was sure they had when they got out of the car, Vika peering up at us. I was tempted to wave but decided not to alarm Natasha.

As we fucked, Natasha's breaths coming more rapidly, her lifting and falling more authoritative, Magda said something to her little one and I could see her put her finger to her lips. Then the two crept towards the house. I started raising and dropping the child with a little more force, working to build her.

I didn't hear the door open or close but soon Magda's head peeked over the threshold. We made eye contact, she has a slight smile on her face as she watched us, then she looked down and again put her finger to her lips and crept the rest of the way up. Then Vika looked over the top but didn't climb to join her mother.

Having the audience really got me off, Natasha was totally unaware that her mother and sister were watching us. I imagined what we must look like and realized that, from her vantage point, Vika could clearly see my cock buried in her sister's pus. Natasha was beginning to groan with each drop as I was raised and lowered her.

Natasha suddenly grunted and clung to me, rocking her hips back and forth. I locked eyes with Magda, she had a small smile on her face as I clenched my jaw and pumped her eleven year old daughter full of my sperm.

The girl was covered with sweat as she clung to me, panting, still impaled on my cock, her head on my shoulder. Magda stepped up and wrapped her arms around both of us and kissed Natasha on the nap of the neck.

"OH!" Natasha almost jumped off me when she felt her mother but I held her in place.

There followed an exchange in Russian, Magda again kissed her and she relaxed. I looked at Vika, her eyes were about as big around as dinner plates.

"Come down, I have Chinese food," Magda said.

I lifted up and turned us around, laying the girl on the bed. A stream of sperm ran out of her cunt as I stood up, looking down at her flushed body. A drop of goo fell off the end of my cock and landed on her thigh, just above the knee. Vika looked with amazement at her big sister's sex, then silently followed her mother down the ladder.

I quickly wiped my dick with a sheet, then, as she sat up, I kissed the little girl. "You are wonderful, dear," I said.

After a pause she said, "Thank you." Then she stood up and felt for the railing.

I went down the ladder first, then watched her. More of my white goo was oozing out of her pussy and a drop was running down the inside of her leg, more had wetted her ass.

Dinner was Chow Mein and Chung Po Pork out of paper cartons. There was also fried rice and egg rolls. The food was so-so and the fortune cookies were in Russian. It was while we were eating that I mentioned that I was going to have to go to Tura for a couple of days. This was followed by an excited exchange between Vika and her mother. Then Magda looked at me.

"Vika have best friend who live in Tura. She want to go visit. If possible, can you give ride?"

"Sure, I'll only be there a day."

There was another exchange. "I go in few days to get her if you take her tomorrow."

"Ok...what about school?"

"Oh, teacher say it alright."

There followed a couple of phone calls, all in very rapid Russian and it was apparently arranged. Then Magda had a conversation with Vika. To one question, Vika looked at me with a surprised expression that faded into something else. She was silent for a moment, then asked her mother something. They talked some more, then Vika said something that was obviously a negative answer.

"OK," Magda said to her, then she looked at me. "I will drop Vika off in morning?"

"Ahh...sure," I said.

(Sometime later, I asked Magda about what she said to Vika. Madga had asked her if she would go to my apartment for the night, to make leaving in the morning easier, but Vika didn't want to, she was afraid she'd have to have sex.)

After we had eaten and cleaned up Magda asked me to get dressed and come outside to help her clear the ice in the river so we could swim. It was dark and cold (-15C) and, after smashing the ice from the end of the dock with long weighted sticks and getting a little wetted, I wondered if I'd ever warm up. Still, the night was beautiful, it was still clear and the quarter moon lit up the snow. The forest across the river was dark but the snow covered ice and the bank were almost as well seen as in daylight. I noticed lights on the other side, maybe two kilometers down stream.

"That is hunting lodge, usually dark. Someone must be using tonight. Only week or two more that we can break ice," she said. "Then no more swimming. For now, no more jump in, too dangerous, go under ice. Must step in from end of dock."

We stripped naked on the mud porch, then went into the sauna.

The 75C did its job quickly however and soon I was sweating. The girls joined us, chattering in Russian and giggling about something that had happened in school. After another 10 minutes we all ran outside and dropped off the end of the dock, not really jumping, more stepping off. The girls splashed around some but stayed really close to the dock. I could see the danger, if you fell over and lost your footing the current could have quickly swept you the three meters to the edge of the ice and taken you under. Still, it was only a centimeter thick or so, if you could stand up you'd break through. But if you got into deeper water....

Five minutes later we were all back in the sauna and 15 after that we were in the living room again, sitting on towels while Magda dealt cards for a game of Uno!. As the girls moved around, shifting their positions, I got some marvelous views. Magda smiled at me when she noticed me admiring Vika's pussy while she sat cross-legged. Her little hairless clam was pulled open and, at one point, she even lay back on her back, keeping her legs folded, ankles crossed. This pulled her vagina open, giving me a great sight of her half moon cherry that stretched across the bottom of her cunt. With this Magda also shifted to sit cross-legged, showing off her womanly cunt for me. Natasha was, of course, blistfully unaware of the unconscious show Vika was giving me and the quite conscious show that her mother was giving me. Still, just the sight of so many pussies, little girl, pre-adolescent, and womanly had the expected affect.

We had been playing for over half an hour as everyone talked, some in Russian, some in English. Both Vika and I were getting better at the other's language but we still took a good amount of teasing from the other two. Mostly from Magda but some from Natasha who was, by far, the most English fluent of the three.

During one game, as the number of cards in our hands dwindled, I caught part of the conversation between Natasha and her mother. They were obviously talking about me and I was pretty sure that sex was the subject.

"Uno!" Vika called and, sure enough, the next round she put her last card down, raised her arms and squealed in victory. As I counted my hand full and Natasha felt her three for the Braille markings in the corners, Magda smiled at me.

"Natasha wants to do oral sex on you," she said.

" 52; 72; 90; 41;!" Natasha exclaimed, blushing bright pink.

There followed and excited and laughing exchange between the girl and her mother, but the whole idea had caused parts of me to rise in interest.

Magda stood up and held her hand out to me, "Leslie, come here."

She put me in a chair, then knelt between my knees. I chuckled as she took my half hard cock between her hands and started stroking it. Then she leaned down and took me in her mouth.

"Oh, yeah," I breathed as my dick came to full hardness to the feelings of her accomplished blow job skills. As she worked me in and out, Vika watched, lifting up and craning her head to see her mother sucking on my dick.

I leaned back and groaned, relaxing, stretching my legs and spreading them more.

The cum was definitely beginning to build as my breaths came with Magda's dives and she lifted up and called Natasha over. She guided her daughter to kneel between my thighs, then guided her hands to my cock.

The eleven year old didn't have the expertise that her mother had, she was coached to rub my balls and, occasionally, lick my shaft, but the idea of having my cock sucked by a preteen made me build fast.

" 54; 85; 86; 82; 86; 83; 86; 87; 88; 80; 81; 90; 80" [He is about to come] Magda said as I started to hump into the girl's face. She redoubled her efforts, sucking and stroking faster and within a few seconds I came. Natasha stiffened with surprise when her mouth was suddenly flooded with my goo, but she kept bobbing and sucking as I humped into her mouth, leaving my slimy white for her to gulp down between breaths.

" 58; 86; 87; 88; 86; 73; 91; 77; 90; 91; 78; 72; 89; 85; 98; 80;!" [That tastes awful!] she said to her mother with a laugh as I lay in the chair, panting. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

They talked in Russian and Magda handed her a glass of vodka and lime water she had been drinking. Natasha took a big swig then asked, "Was that good?"

"Oh, God honey," I panted, "Incredible."

She giggled and I pulled her up across me, smearing my cum and spit covered cock down her chest and stomach, and pushed my tongue into her mouth. She tasted of vadka, lime and cum.

A little while later I was driving back to my apartment for a few hours sleep. I had to leave early, most people said it'd be a 10 hour drive, so Magda was going to drop Vika off at 0630.

Part 4